Munurru Campground - Wunambal Gaambera Aboriginal Corporation

UUNGUU VISITOR PASS (UVP) — WUNAMBAL GAAMBERA PEOPLE welcome you to Wunambal Gaambera Country in the far north Kimberley through our UUNGUU VISITOR PASS (UVP)
Here, we Wunambal Gaambera people share with you aspects of our life, our culture, our Country, the future we are shaping for ourselves, and how you can visit by purchasing our Uunguu Visitor Pass. Our living home — our Uunguu — has been passed to us from our Wanjina Wunggurr creators and ancestors. We are following our Healthy Country Plan to help us look after our cultural and natural assets, to pass to future generations and share with visitors.
All visitors to Wunambal Gaambera Country, which includes Ngauwudu (Mitchell Plateau), must purchase an Uunguu Visitor Pass (UVP) from $45pp. The UVP provides travellers with Traditional Owner permission to visit our approved Visitor Locations including our cultural and natural icon, Punamii-Uunpuu (Mitchell Falls) and to enjoy an authentic Uunguu Experience. Rock art cultural tours are available from Munurru (King Edward River) Campground — book at the Munurru Ranger Base.
The Uunguu Visitor Pass UVP) is now required to travel to Wunambal Gaambera Country in the far north Kimberley, Western Australia. The UVP provides Traditional Owner permission to visit approved Visitor Locations on Wunambal Gaambera Country, enjoy an authentic Uunguu Experience and contribute to keeping our Visitor Locations healthy and open for future visitor generations.
Uunguu Visitor Pass Standard Terms and Conditions
You acknowledge and agree that:
1. Your Uunguu Visitor Pass (UVP) issued by the Wunambal Gaambera Aboriginal Corporation ICN3154 (”WGAC”) is not transferable in any circumstance to any other person will not be refunded or any portion held in credit for later use. If you are prevented from visiting Wunambal Gaambera Country due to COVID border closures we will provide a credit (date change) for up to 24 months from your original entry date.
2. Your UVP provides Wunambal Gaambera people’s consent to visit the approved Visitor Locations within the Zone stated on the UVP: all places in Wunambal Gaambera Country other than Visitor Locations are not open to Visitors. You will need to obtain a transit permit from the Department of Planning Lands and Heritage for entry to Aboriginal Reserves R24705 and R30643.
3. You are only permitted to stay on Wunambal Gaambera Country for the period stated on the UVP.
4. You must produce or display for inspection your UVP to an Uunguu Ranger if requested.
5. If you are a tour operator you must be registered hold the required number of UVPs for your transport unit and in addition comply with the Tour Operator Terms and Conditions.
6. Wunambal Gaambera Country is a remote natural environment with unpredictable conditions and you acknowledge and agree that your entry and stay on Wunambal Gaambera Country is entirely at your own risk.
7. Camping is only permitted in the Ngauwudu Zone at Munurru and Mertens Creek Camp Grounds. Additional fees apply for camping.
8. Camp fires are only permitted at designated fireplaces within the Munurru and Mertens Creek Camp-Grounds.
9. Fire restrictions apply on high fire danger days or as instructed by the duty Ranger.
10. You can only collect firewood from sign-posted areas.
11. You must take your rubbish with you. (In the Ngauwudu (Road) Zone there is a disposal point opposite the Drysdale River Station turnoff)
12. You must not wash with soaps or detergents in freshwater streams or waterholes.
13. Bury human waste at least 100 metres from any watercourse.
14. You are not to bring any firearm or hunting weapon such as a cross-bow onto Wunambal Gaambera Country.
15. You are not to bring any animal (including pet or domesticated animal) or plant specimen onto Wunambal Gaambera Country.
16. You are not to take or collect any living or dead plant or animal specimens from Wunambal Gaambera Country.
17. You are not to swim in the pools of Punamii-Uunpuu (Mitchell Falls). Swimming in the Mitchell River above the Falls is permitted.
18. You are not to touch any rock art artefact or human skeletal remains and if in a confined space at a rock art site not to wear a backpack bag or carry any solid item such as a camera tripod or walking stick that may brush against a painting.
19. You are not to approach any burial place (burial places may be identified by heaped stones a rock shelter or an enclosed fenced site).
20. You are not permitted to take photographs film or reproduce images in any media form for commercial purposes or media sharing platforms without first obtaining written permission from WGAC.
21. You must stay on Visitor Location access tracks and keep within 200 metres of a Visitor Location.
22. WGAC reserves the right to cancel a UVP for breach of Terms and Conditions. Such persons are no longer welcome and must immediately vacate Wunambal Gaambera Country.
General Warnings for accessing and visiting Wunambal Gaambera Country
- Always wear stout enclosed footwear and a hat.
- Carry sufficient water for your return journey.
- No swimming in saltwater or estuarine areas or freshwater streams near the coast.
- Wild animals live in this Country - salt water crocodiles can locate to inland streams.
- Beware of stray cattle.
- There are risks of rock falls and loose surfaces - do not approach cliff or gorge edges.
- Drinking water is from natural sources - availability and water quality not predictable.
- Please take your rubbish with you - there is a disposal point opposite the Drysdale River Station turnoff.
- No medical food fuel or mechanical repair facilities are available.
- Vehicle tracks off the Port Warrender Road are not regularly maintained and may be impassable - tides can cut off access to and from beaches and saltpans and may endanger life.
- No public mobile phone or internet access or WiFi facilities.
- WGAC conducts aerial and on-ground early dry season burning from April to June each year to reduce wildfire damage and greenhouse gas emissions.
- Visitors must heed fire operations notices and avoid fire operations areas during this period.
- Bushwalking Corridors are open from 1 July to 31 October each year. Bushwalking Corridors are closed during the period 1 November to 30 June due to aerial and on-ground early dry season burning: no Bushwalking UVPs will be issued for this period.
- You must carry and be able to operate a Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) and/or satellite phone and carry spare batteries.
- For safety reasons do not walk alone.
- You must possess adequate first-aid knowledge and carry a comprehensive first-aid kit.
- You are advised to obtain adequate insurance in the event of a helicopter rescue.
- If the fire danger is high or high winds prevail do not light a campfire.
- If conditions permit a campfire clear an area of 3 metres around the fire; keep it small; extinguish with water then bury with sand.
- Never leave a campfire unattended.
- Carry sufficient food and water for your route; no soaps or detergents in watercourses and bury human waste 100m from watercourse.
- Please register at a Ranger Station before and after your walk.