Narlijia Experiences Broome

Tours and Activities Land Based Tours Local Businesses Local Businesses

A nat­ur­al enter­tain­er you can join Bart and oth­er guides on one of his unique tours of Broome and the Bay and see the coun­try and lifestyle from his unique per­spec­tive includ­ing Dampi­er Creek and the rich pick­ings in the man­grove forests and on the jabal­bal (mud­flats).

Bart Pigram is a Yawu­ru man from the West Kim­ber­ley region of north­west Aus­tralia. Born and bred in Broome Bart has a pas­sion for telling the com­plete sto­ry of life in Broome. Draw­ing on knowl­edge gained from liv­ing a salt­wa­ter lifestyle as well as pro­fes­sion­al train­ing as a cura­tor Bart start­ed Narli­jia Tours in 2015. Narli­jia means true for you’in the Yawu­ru (Aus­tralian Abo­rig­i­nal) lan­guage reflect­ing Bart’s wish to tell the entire’ sto­ry shar­ing his Abo­rig­i­nal and mul­ti­cul­tur­al per­spec­tive first hand.

For booking purposes, the Child rate is applicable for guests aged 5 years - 13 years. Concession rate is for valid Government Concessions.

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