Natures Hideaway Middle Lagoon

Accommodation Dampier Peninsula Eco Retreats

Check In: 14:00 | Check Out: 10:00
Hours: 8am - 12pm. 1pm - 5pm every day

Natures Hide­away at Mid­dle Lagoon is a low impact coastal camp offer­ing stun­ning views over two beau­ti­ful Bays. Sur­round­ed by beau­ti­ful beach­es and native bush, Mid­dle Lagoon is a pris­tine par­adise with easy beach access, where you can enjoy the peace and tran­quil­i­ty of an unspoilt environment.

Natures Hide­away at Mid­dle Lagoon is a low impact coastal camp offer­ing stun­ning views over two beau­ti­ful beach­es. It is locat­ed on the Dampi­er Penin­su­la, just two and a half hours dri­ve north of Broome (4WD access only). Sur­round­ed by beau­ti­ful beach­es and native bush, Mid­dle Lagoon is a pris­tine par­adise with easy beach access, where you can ful­ly enjoy the peace and tran­quil­i­ty of the stun­ning scenery.


Choose from camp­ing sites or rus­tic cab­ins. Stan­dard cab­ins have shared ameni­ties and the Deluxe cab­in has its own ensuite. Spa­cious unpow­ered camp­sites either offer spec­tac­u­lar ocean­front views or are nes­tled amongst the trees.


Mid­dle Lagoon has a basic shop/​kiosk where you can buy cof­fees and a selec­tion of hot foods. The beach is suit­able for boat launch­ing and boasts a love­ly swim­ming bay. Ablu­tion facil­i­ties offer hot and cold fresh­wa­ter show­ers and flush­ing toi­lets. There is a wash­ing machine for guest use, a pub­lic tele­phone and mobile coverage.


There are many activ­i­ties you may wish to do at your own leisure includ­ing beach walk­ing, swim­ming, fish­ing, snorkelling, bird watch­ing, reef walk­ing, enjoy­ing the sun­set and whale spot­ting (between July & October).

Near­by, you can vis­it the beau­ti­ful pearl shell church at Bea­gle Bay com­mu­ni­ty, or take a dri­ve up to Lom­bad­i­na or Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm. 

NO SPEAR­GUNS ALLOWED. PET FRIEND­LY. Please note: A deposit equiv­a­lent to your first nights stay will be required to con­firm all book­ings. Deposits are not refund­able, and will be for­feit­ed if book­ings are can­celled or changed.

Book online below

Deluxe Cabin - 1 Queen plus 3 Singles

Room Configuration:
Max Guests: 10

Set apart from our oth­er accom­mo­da­tion with spec­tac­u­lar views over the bay. This cab­in has its own ensuite bath­room (show­er and toi­let). This cab­in is larg­er than the stan­dard ones and there is an inside din­ing area. There is also a table and chairs out­side and your own BBQ. The cab­in has a queen bed and three singles.

    Standard Cabin - Double plus 2 Single Beds

    Room Configuration:
    Max Guests: 8

    Cab­ins offer fan­tas­tic beach views. Stan­dard Cab­in with one dou­ble bed plus x two sin­gle beds. They have basic cook­ing facil­i­ties with a stove, bar fridge and bed­ding pro­vid­ed. There is an out­door tap and chairs and a table out­side to enjoy the view. The camp­ground ablu­tions are near­by. Crock­ery, cut­lery and linen are provided.

      Standard Cabin - 4 Single Beds

      Room Configuration:
      Max Guests: 8

      Cab­ins offer fan­tas­tic beach views. Stan­dard Cab­in with four sin­gle beds. They have basic cook­ing facil­i­ties with a stove, bar fridge and bed­ding pro­vid­ed. There is an out­door tap and chairs and a table out­side to enjoy the view. The camp­ground ablu­tions are near­by. Crock­ery, cut­lery and linen are provided.

        Unpowered Campsite - suitable for camper trailers and tents

        Room Configuration:
        Max Guests: 8

          Unpowered Campsite - suitable for large caravans and rigs

          Room Configuration:
          Max Guests: 8

          Smith Unpow­ered sites are avail­able in our large camp­ground, all with­in easy reach of the beach, our shop, and the two large ablu­tion facil­i­ties. If you have an off road car­a­van or large camper trailer,please call us so we can allo­cate a large site.

            Ridge Unpowered Campsite

            Room Configuration:
            Max Guests: 8

            Ridge Unpow­ered sites are avail­able in our large camp­ground, all with ocean views and with­in easy reach of our shop, and the large ablu­tion facil­i­ties. If you have an off road car­a­van or large camper trailer,please call us so we can allo­cate a large site.


              Room Configuration:
              Max Guests: 8

                Johns Camp

                Room Configuration: Unpowered Site
                Max Guests: 8


                  Room Configuration:
                  Max Guests: 8

                    Rons Camp

                    Room Configuration:
                    Max Guests: 8

                      Sams Camp

                      Room Configuration:
                      Max Guests: 8

                        Trip Planner