North Regional TAFE

66 - 68 Cable Beach Rd Broome WA
General Services

Hours: Monday to Friday, 8am - 4pm

North Region­al TAFE (NR TAFE) is the largest provider of train­ing and voca­tion­al ser­vices in the north of West­ern Aus­tralia, ser­vic­ing com­mu­ni­ties and indus­tries across a region exceed­ing one mil­lion square kilo­me­tres. NR TAFE has 11 cam­pus­es across the Kim­ber­ley and Pil­bara, with its head cam­pus here in Broome. The Col­lege deliv­ers more than 200 nation­al­ly recog­nised qual­i­fi­ca­tions, skill sets and short cours­es in over 25 dif­fer­ent indus­try areas. Please vis­it NR TAFE’s web­site for more information.

We’re the largest train­ing provider in the Kim­ber­ley, offer­ing 120+ cours­es over 6 campuses.

We can pro­vide you and your busi­ness with cus­tomised training.

Short Cours­es are also on offer dur­ing the year with cours­es in 4WD, cof­fee-mak­ing, Respon­si­ble Ser­vice of Alco­hol, Recre­ation­al Skip­pers Tick­et, Com­put­ing and much more!

Vis­it website

Phone: 1300 996 573

Email: info@​nrtafe.​wa.​edu.​au

RTO Provider No: 52788

Trip Planner