Nyamba Buru Yawuru

Local Businesses Accredited Business

Hours: 7.30am to 4.30pm

Nga­ji gur­rjin! Wirriya ngan­garan liyan nyam­ba buru Yawu­ru (Hel­lo. We hope you are feel­ing good in our Yawu­ru coun­try). The Yawu­ru peo­ple are the tra­di­tion­al own­ers of the lands and waters in and around Rubibi (the town of Broome) and we have always shared our sto­ries and cul­ture with vis­i­tors to this country.

The Liyan­ngan Nyir­rwa Cul­tur­al Well­be­ing Cen­tre is on the grounds of Nyam­ba Buru Yawu­ru in Cable Beach. It’s a com­mu­ni­ty-focused venue with pro­fes­sion­al staff and state of the art facil­i­ties that can accom­mo­date up to 100 peo­ple in a com­fort­able, archi­tect-designed build­ing set amongst a relax­ing gar­den land­scape. NBY also offers a range of cul­tur­al ser­vices includ­ing Wel­comes to Coun­try and smok­ing ceremonies.

To explore Broome’s unique mul­ti­cul­tur­al his­to­ry, you can down­load the app and lis­ten to per­son­al sto­ries of pearling his­to­ry from local char­ac­ters with free our Jet­ty to Jet­ty walk­ing tour. 

You can learn also some Yawu­ru words and phras­es from our lan­guage app. 

The Yawu­ru mabu liyan’ phi­los­o­phy of healthy spir­it and pos­i­tive well­be­ing empow­ers indi­vid­u­als and fam­i­lies with cul­tur­al and social strength and is reflect­ed in all the work done on coun­try, with our com­mu­ni­ty and on main­tain­ing and revi­tal­is­ing culture. 

You can dis­cov­er more about Yawu­ru here or call for more infor­ma­tion (08) 9192 9600.

We hope you enjoy spend­ing time in Yawu­ru country.

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