Olive + Pickle

Local Businesses

Olive + Pick­le cre­ate fresh, unique, hand­made graz­ing, brunch, fruit, kids par­ty box­es and ham­pers. Olive + Pick­le is per­fect for your next spe­cial event that adds a lit­tle extra touch!

Graz­ing Box­es can be cre­at­ed for a roman­tic sun­set on Cable Beach or to take with you as you adven­ture in Broome! Olive + Pick­le offer an exten­sive cater­ing menu avail­able for all occa­sions, tai­lored to suit your needs and requirements.

If you have spe­cial dietaries or requests, chat to Kendra from Olive + Pick­le and she can make it work!

View Graz­ing Box­es Pricelist (pdf)
View Cater­ing Menu (pdf)
View Terms & Con­di­tions (pdf)

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