Onslow Beach Resort

Cnr Second Avenue Onslow WA 6710

Check In: 14:00 | Check Out: 10:00
Hours: 7:00am to 7:00pm (Mon-Sat) / 8:00am to 6:00pm (Sun)

Get­away on an Aussie out­back adven­ture to the Onslow Beach Resort.

Expe­ri­ence West­ern Australia’s coastal out­back at the Onslow Beach Resort, the gate­way to the Mack­er­el Islands. This absolute beach­front resort offers relaxed, civilised sophis­ti­ca­tion — a refresh­ing wel­come when trav­el­ling through the remote, rugged beau­ty of the Pil­bara region. Locat­ed on the mid-coast of WA between Exmouth and Kar­ratha, a 2‑hour flight or 1,400km dri­ve from Perth, the sparkling new Onslow Beach Resort serves up styl­ish com­fort, fan­tas­tic food and spec­tac­u­lar water­front views along a red sand beach. Stay in mod­ern self-con­tained apart­ments over­look­ing the pool or ocean. Enjoy a bite to eat or a chilled drink at the stun­ning Beach Club restau­rant and bar. Resort facil­i­ties include free Wi-Fi, Fox­tel, out­door swim­ming pool, BBQs, gym, tour desk, Avis car hire and ample park­ing. A short stroll to the town super­mar­ket, ser­vice sta­tion, post office, chemist, vis­i­tor cen­tre, muse­um, aquat­ic cen­tre, sport and recre­ation cen­tre. Ide­al for busi­ness and leisure guests with a vari­ety of activ­i­ties and tours avail­able, includ­ing fish­ing char­ters and hol­i­day adven­tures at the Mack­er­el Islands.

Executive Suite

Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
Max Guests: 2

Exec­u­tive Suite sleeps 1 – 2 peo­ple. Bed­ding is 1 zip king or twin beds. Rate includes up to 2 peo­ple. A great choice for short stays, solo stays or busi­ness trav­el, you’ll be stay­ing in com­fort in the styl­ish Exec­u­tive Suites. Locat­ed on the ground or first floor, these air con­di­tioned, ful­ly self-con­tained apart­ments fea­ture a king size bed, spa­cious kitchen, din­ing and lounge area, laun­dry, bath­room, pri­vate bal­cony or veran­dah, free Wi-Fi, TV, hairdry­er, air-con­di­tion­ing/heat­ing, ceil­ing fans and com­pli­men­ta­ry tea/​coffee mak­ing. The kitchen is ful­ly equipped with a fridge, stove top, oven, microwave, dish­wash­er, toast­er, ket­tle and all uten­sils. The laun­dry includes a wash­ing machine, dry­er, iron and iron­ing board. Enjoy the flex­i­bil­i­ty of cook­ing your own meals or din­ing in our beach­side restau­rant and bar.

  • Air Conditioning

Family Suite

Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
Max Guests: 5

Fam­i­ly Suite sleeps 2 adults and 3 chil­dren up to 12 years old. Bed­ding is 1 zip king and 1 bunk bed (dou­ble on the bot­tom, sin­gle on top). Rate includes up to 5 peo­ple. For fun and relax­ing fam­i­ly hol­i­days, these great val­ue, ful­ly self-con­tained apart­ments are per­fect. Locat­ed on the ground floor fac­ing the cen­tral pool, the styl­ish Fam­i­ly Suites fea­ture a king size bed and bunk bed (dou­ble on the bot­tom, sin­gle on top), kitchen, open plan dining/​lounge, laun­dry, bath­room, pri­vate bal­cony or veran­dah, free Wi-Fi, TV, hairdry­er, air-con­di­tion­ing/heat­ing, ceil­ing fans and com­pli­men­ta­ry tea/​coffee mak­ing. The kitchen is ful­ly equipped with a fridge, stove top, oven, microwave, dish­wash­er, toast­er, ket­tle and all uten­sils. The laun­dry includes a wash­ing machine, dry­er, iron and iron­ing board. Enjoy the flex­i­bil­i­ty of cook­ing your own meals or din­ing in our beach­side restau­rant and bar.

  • Air Conditioning

Ocean View Suite

Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
Max Guests: 2

Ocean View Suite sleeps 1 – 2 peo­ple. Bed­ding is 1 zip king or twin beds. Rate includes up to 2 peo­ple. The Ocean View Suites are locat­ed absolute beach­front on Bead­on Bay, offer­ing cap­ti­vat­ing, panoram­ic beach and ocean views. All are com­plete­ly self-con­tained with a king size bed, spa­cious kitchen, din­ing and lounge area, laun­dry, bath­room, pri­vate bal­cony or veran­dah, free Wi-Fi, TV, hairdry­er, air-con­di­tion­ing/heat­ing, ceil­ing fans and com­pli­men­ta­ry tea/​coffee mak­ing. The kitchen is ful­ly equipped with a fridge, stove top, oven, microwave, dish­wash­er, toast­er, ket­tle and all uten­sils. The laun­dry includes a wash­ing machine, dry­er, iron and iron­ing board. The coast­line on your doorstep boasts a beau­ti­ful expanse of fine sand, per­fect to indulge in a casu­al beach stroll or more ener­getic run.

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Pool View Suite

Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
Max Guests: 2

Pool View Suite sleeps 1 – 2 peo­ple. Bed­ding is 1 zip king or twin beds. Rate includes up to 2 peo­ple. The Pool View Suites are ide­al for those who rel­ish pool­side chill time’. Fea­tur­ing a com­fort­able king size bed, spa­cious kitchen, din­ing and lounge area, laun­dry, bath­room, plus your own bal­cony or veran­dah, free Wi-Fi, TV, hairdry­er, air-con­di­tion­ing/heat­ing, ceil­ing fans and com­pli­men­ta­ry tea/​coffee mak­ing. The kitchen is ful­ly equipped with a fridge, stove top, oven, microwave, dish­wash­er, toast­er, ket­tle and all uten­sils. The laun­dry includes a wash­ing machine, dry­er, iron and iron­ing board. These ful­ly self-con­tained apart­ments fac­ing onto the resort pool will have you reclin­ing into bliss zone in no time.

  • Air Conditioning

Ocean View Family Suite

Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
Max Guests: 5

Ocean View Fam­i­ly Suite sleeps 2 adults and 3 chil­dren up to 12 years old. Bed­ding is 1 zip king and 1 bunk bed (dou­ble on the bot­tom, sin­gle on top). Rate includes up to 5 peo­ple. For fun and relax­ing fam­i­ly hol­i­days, these ful­ly self-con­tained apart­ments right on the beach­front are per­fect. Locat­ed on the ground floor over­look­ing the ocean, the styl­ish Ocean View Fam­i­ly Suites fea­ture a king size bed and bunk bed (dou­ble on the bot­tom, sin­gle on top), kitchen, open plan dining/​lounge, laun­dry, bath­room, pri­vate bal­cony or veran­dah, free Wi-Fi, TV, hairdry­er, air-con­di­tion­ing/heat­ing, ceil­ing fans and com­pli­men­ta­ry tea/​coffee mak­ing. The kitchen is ful­ly equipped with a fridge, stove top, oven, microwave, dish­wash­er, toast­er, ket­tle and all uten­sils. The laun­dry includes a wash­ing machine, dry­er, iron and iron­ing board. Enjoy the flex­i­bil­i­ty of cook­ing your own meals or din­ing in our beach­side restau­rant and bar.

  • Air Conditioning

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