Oolin Sunday Island Cultural Tours

Rosan­na Angus is a Jawi woman whose fam­i­ly lived on Sun­day Island, dur­ing the ear­ly mis­sion days. Learn about Bar­di Jawi cul­ture and the Dream­ing sto­ries con­nect­ed to Sun­day Island and the tur­bu­lent waters that seper­ate it from the main­land. Explore tran­quil, unspoilt loca­tions and learn about the cul­tur­al and envi­ron­men­tal sig­nif­i­cance of this spec­tac­u­lar marine reserve.

Please note: Child rate applies for 5-15 years.

More Information

Tour departure point is from Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm. Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm is located 200km north of Broome on the tip of the Dampier Peninsula. The Cape Leveque Road is now completely sealed, however the driveway is unsealed and approximately 3km long, and is now suitable for 2WD day access. The tour is not age limited, the boat has a shade, it's safe to move around and offers a toilet onboard if required.

What to bring: Sunnies, hat, sunscreen, towels, swimmers, medications, and snacks.

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