Paspaley Pearl Farm Tour

Tours and Activities Water Based Tours Land Based Tours

Vis­i­tors to Broome have the unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to wit­ness this pearl har­vest­ing process first­hand, right in the waters where it all orig­i­nates. Avail­able from June to Octo­ber, guests can opt for either a morn­ing or after­noon tour direct­ly depart­ing from Broome.

The jour­ney of craft­ing Pas­pa­ley pearls com­mences amidst the beau­ty of the Kim­ber­ley region in West­ern Aus­tralia. Work­ing from spe­cialised ves­sels, Pas­pa­ley divers embark on the task of care­ful­ly hand col­lect­ing the soli­tary Pinc­ta­da max­i­ma oys­ters from the ocean, ini­ti­at­ing the cul­ti­va­tion of the world’s most prized pearls.

With Broome being the his­toric cen­tre of the Aus­tralian Pearling indus­try, take the oppor­tu­ni­ty to vis­it an on-water Pearl Farm oper­at­ed by Pas­pa­ley at Roe­buck Bay in Jour­ney Beyond’s pur­pose-built ves­sel. Learn the jour­ney of the pearls from seabed to the bou­tique and mar­vel at the reveal” of a cul­tured pearl, live! You’ll be picked up from your hotel to depart from the beach for this four-hour after­noon tour before head­ing to the Pas­pa­ley Bou­tique to sam­ple pearl meat canapes and browse the stun­ning pearls.


- Depar­ture from Gantheaume Point with a scenic cruise into the breath-tak­ing Roe­buck Bay

- Enjoy expert com­men­tary on the his­to­ry of the Pas­pa­ley Pearling Com­pa­ny in Broome

- Wit­ness a live pearl har­vest at the Pas­pa­ley sea farm in Roe­buck Bay

- Return to Broome for a vis­it to the Pas­pa­ley Boutique

- Delight over gourmet Pearl Meat canapes while perus­ing Pas­pa­ley’s range of world-class pearl jewellery

- Set­tle back with ful­ly includ­ed hotel trans­fers to all major Broome hotels

Please Note:

A rea­son­able amount of agili­ty and fit­ness is required to par­take in this tour, guests may get their feet wet on embarka­tion & dis­em­barka­tion of the ves­sel. The beach­side board­ing and dis­em­bark­ing process can at times be chal­leng­ing par­tic­u­lar­ly in cer­tain weath­er con­di­tions and tide height.

Whilst canapes are pro­vid­ed for tast­ing at the end of the tour, break­fast & lunch are not provided.

Book your Paspaley Pearl Farm Tours

Book Paspaley Pearl Farm Tours with the Broome Visitor Centre

The Paspaley Pearl Farm Tour can be booked online or call the Broome Visitor Centre on 08 9195 2200 for more information.

Trip Planner