Pearl Shed Framing & Printing

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Hours: Weekdays 8.30am - 4.30pm and Saturdays 9am-12pm. Hours may vary. Call to check.

Pearl Shed Fram­ing and Print­ing is a well-estab­lished fam­i­ly busi­ness local­ly owned and oper­at­ed since 2000.

Over the years we have kept pace with changes in mate­ri­als, styles and tech­nol­o­gy, ser­vic­ing Broome and the wider region of the Kim­ber­ley and beyond, how­ev­er, one thing has remained the same — always help­ful friend­ly service.

Our high-qual­i­ty fram­ing prod­ucts, state-of-the-art machin­ery and pro­fes­sion­al ser­vice are what we pride our rep­u­ta­tion on. 

We will offer you a cre­ative and unique fin­ished image mind­ful of your require­ments and bud­get. We spe­cialise in cus­tom-built stretch can­vas and an exten­sive frame selec­tion to fit your décor and style.

Pop in or give us a call to dis­cuss your require­ments, we are more than hap­py to help.

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