RAC Cable Beach Holiday Park

1 Murray Road Cable Beach Broome WA 6725

Check In: 14:00 | Check Out: 10:00
Hours: 8am - 5pm. After hours check in phone on wall

RAC Cable Beach Hol­i­day Park is locat­ed in Broome, right in the heart of WA’s breath­tak­ing North West. When you’re look­ing for Broome accom­mo­da­tion, we’ve got just the spot for you, with the famous Cable Beach with­in a short walk. Relax amongst the lush trop­i­cal gar­dens by the swim­ming pool, before head­ing out to explore every­thing Broome has to offer.

RAC Cable Beach Hol­i­day Park is the ide­al place to relax, with trop­i­cal land­scaped gar­dens and all the nec­es­sary ameni­ties for your next north­ern get­away. Relax beneath the palm trees around our refresh­ing salt­wa­ter pool, enjoy a game of minigolf or stroll to Cable Beach at sunset. 

Our park offers a range of accom­mo­da­tion to suit all trav­ellers. Options include fam­i­ly cab­ins, one and two-bed­room cab­ins, stu­dio cab­ins and spa­cious pow­ered car­a­van and camp­ing sites.

The park offers a range of facil­i­ties includ­ing 19-metre salt water swim­ming pool, tour desk, camp kitchen, BBQ’s, onsite gen­er­al store, guest laun­dry, fish clean­ing facil­i­ties, free wifi in the guest com­mon areas, shared ablu­tion blocks, dump point and gas cylin­der refill ser­vice. The park is also con­ve­nient­ly locat­ed next door to Cable Beach Gen­er­al Store & Café. Open 7 days, they offer light meals, gro­ceries, beach essen­tials and much more. Plus, if you’re look­ing for some fam­i­ly-friend­ly enter­tain­ment, you can enjoy their mini-golf course. 

Locat­ed just a stone’s throw from the icon­ic white sands of Cable Beach in the trop­i­cal hol­i­day town of Broome in WA’s Kim­ber­ley region. Just 1km from the restau­rant precinct and a 7‑minute dri­ve to Broome.

Bookings for all sites during the peak travel season (June to August annually) have a minimum 3-night stay and must arrive and depart on a Monday or Friday.

2 Bedroom Sleeps 4

Room Configuration: Powered Site
Max Guests: 4

This spa­cious 2 bed­room cab­in is ide­al for fam­i­lies or groups of friends with 1x Queen beds and 1x sin­gle bunk. Enjoy ful­ly the self con­tained facil­i­ties with kitchen, din­ing and pri­vate veran­da amidst trop­i­cal gardens.

    2 Bedroom Sleeps 5

    Room Configuration: Powered Site
    Max Guests: 5

    This spa­cious 2 bed­room cab­in is ide­al for fam­i­lies or groups of friends with 1x Queen beds and 2x sin­gle beds and a trun­dle bed. Enjoy ful­ly the self con­tained facil­i­ties with kitchen, din­ing and pri­vate veran­da amidst trop­i­cal gardens.


      Room Configuration:
      Max Guests: 2

      Ide­al for cou­ples. Motel style self con­tained accom­mo­da­tion with a queen bed, kitch­enette, din­ing table, ensuite, ful­ly air-con­di­tioned, veran­da with out­door setting.

        Powered Caravan Site

        Room Configuration:
        Max Guests: 6

        Shady pow­ered site per­fect for large car­a­vans, camper trail­ers or motorhomes. Sleeps 6.

          Pet Friendly Powered Caravan Site

          Room Configuration: Powered Site
          Max Guests: 6

          Pet friend­ly, shady pow­ered site suit­able for large car­a­vans, camper trail­ers and motorhomes. All sites have water, pow­er and sul­lage facilities.

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