Red Sun Camels

Tours and Activities Land Based Tours

Hours: Red Sun Camels operates 7 days a week and office hours are 8am to 7pm

Red Sun Camels award win­ning tours guar­an­tee an unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence and mem­o­ries to last a life­time. Learn about the his­to­ry of camels in Aus­tralia, the unique sto­ries of our much loved camels and per­son­al­i­ty traits of these gen­tle giants. Red Sun Camels are Broome’s only award win­ning camel tour — proud win­ner of the 2012 Depart­ment of Envi­ron­ment and Con­ser­va­tion’s Land Based Oper­a­tor Award.

Join the award-win­ning icon of Broome, Red Sun Camels, for an unmiss­able camel ride along the gold­en sands of Cable Beach.

The friend­ly staff will make this expe­ri­ence unfor­get­table, shar­ing sto­ries, inter­est­ing facts and amus­ing antics of each of the camels. Learn the per­son­al­i­ties of your gen­tle giant as you relax into one of the three rides on offer; mag­i­cal morn­ing, pre-sun­set sam­pler, or sen­sa­tion­al sun­set ride. 

Red Sun Camels, cur­rent­ly oper­ate 18 camels accom­mo­dat­ing up to 36 pas­sen­gers on each tour, sev­en days a week. 

Max­i­mum weight of 95kg per person/​seat.

Max­i­mum weight of 170kg per camel/​two seats and no indi­vid­ual to exceed 95kg. 

Child rates are for chil­dren aged 5 – 15 years and not exceed­ing 60kg. (use child rate)

Chil­dren 4 years and under can sit on their par­en­t’s lap and are charged at the lap­sit­ter rate (use infant rate for lapsitters)

Please ensure that you meet our weight restric­tions above includ­ing the lap­sit­ter weight.

We suggest you call the Broome Visitor Centre on 08 9195 2200 for assistance if you need to book camel rides that involve any guest over 90kg, or a Adult/Lapsitter combined weight of over 90kgs.

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