Hidden Valley Broome

Local Businesses

Hours: Monday - Friday: 9am - 4pm, Saturday morning: 9am -12 noon, Courthouse markets: Saturday 8am - 12 noon

Unique, high qual­i­ty hand­craft­ed soaps, can­dles, nat­ur­al skin care prod­ucts, and beau­ti­ful gifts all inspired by Broome and made with love by our team at our Blue Haze premis­es.

We aim to make pure, nat­ur­al, safe prod­ucts incor­po­rat­ing the beau­ti­ful aro­mas and heal­ing prop­er­ties of plants. Draw­ing on exten­sive knowl­edge of herbs, essen­tial oils and skin care ingre­di­ents, we for­mu­late prod­ucts to be as sim­ple, lux­u­ri­ous and as free as pos­si­ble of dan­ger­ous chem­i­cals. We try to keep prices afford­able by sav­ing on pack­ag­ing and adver­tis­ing, but not on qual­i­ty ingredients. 

Vis­it our unique show­room-shop dur­ing the week 9 – 4pm (phone 91937036), see how sim­ple cre­ative ideas can grow and pur­chase beau­ti­ful, inex­pen­sive gifts to take home. We can also be found at the Cour­t­house Mar­kets on week­ends, 8 – 12.

Hid­den Val­ley Hand­crafts began in 1995 in Alisons kitchen, when she first exper­i­ment­ed with mak­ing skin friend­ly soaps, potions and also can­dles from scratch. Since then, the busi­ness has grown organ­i­cal­ly, like a tree, until in 2009 it employs a team of ten won­der­ful part time helpers oper­at­ing from a large shed in Blue Haze.

In addi­tion to mak­ing and sell­ing our prod­ucts at Blue Haze, we also mail order to a huge num­ber of loy­al cus­tomers all over Aus­tralia and abroad. Vis­it us on the web at www​.hid​den​val​ley​hand​crafts​.com​.au.

Our mot­to:

Cel­e­brat­ing plants, 

and seek­ing puri­ty, harmlessness,

play­ful inge­nu­ity and lovingkindness. 

Click here to vis­it our website

Low Season hours

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