Sorus Clothing

Cnr Hamersley and Fredrick street Broome
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At Sorus Cloth­ing we trans­form waste into wear­able art, forg­ing our path as a sus­tain­able trav­el adven­ture brand. 

Upon relo­cat­ing to the Kim­ber­ley region of West­ern Aus­tralia, hus­band and wife, Joe and Chavon were inspired to share its stun­ning land­scapes with the world. This start­ed the idea of wear­able art. Our mis­sion is to bring this nat­ur­al beau­ty out­side for all to enjoy, not just as can­vas art but as out­door attire for your own adventures.

Sorus Cloth­ing is com­mit­ted to leav­ing no trace behind and tak­ing only mem­o­ries and pho­tographs, aim­ing to pro­tect these pris­tine envi­ron­ments for gen­er­a­tions to come. That’s why all our gar­ments are made from recy­cled mate­ri­als where pos­si­ble, you can read more about that process here.

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