Spinifex Hotel

6 Clarendon Street Derby WA 6728
Accommodation Hotels and Motels

Check In: 14:00 | Check Out: 10:00
Hours: Reception: 7am-7pm weekdays / 8am-12:30pm and 4pm-7pm weekends

The Spi­ni” as it’s called by the locals is your pre­mière accom­mo­da­tion in the Kim­ber­ley. A lit­tle piece of the city tucked away in one of the last out­back towns, boast­ing a full restau­rant, two bars, onsite bot­tle-shop and TAB!

Remem­ber to Relax in Luxury!

The Spinifex Hotel is an icon­ic land­mark in the West Aus­tralian Kim­ber­ley region. With it’s rugged coun­try exte­ri­or and metro-styled inte­ri­or, it has set a new bench­mark in region­al accom­mo­da­tion and a new stan­dard of hos­pi­tal­i­ty that will do noth­ing less than impress. 

Rebuilt in April 2012, the Hotel has all the ameni­ties you would find in any metro area hotel.

Our restau­rant is open 7 days a week serv­ing some amaz­ing local and fresh foods. We also have sports bar with 5 big screen LCD TVs for all your sport needs, a main bar with karaōke twice a week and our own in house DJ on Fri­days, beau­ti­ful alfres­co area where you are able to watch the sun­set while enjoy­ing a drink, our own bot­tle-shop ful­ly stocked, and a large TAB with two self ser­vice terminals. 

For our guest we offer all the above ameni­ties as well as free WiFi in the pub­lic areas, a free laun­dry and a pool to keep you cool!

There are many rea­sons for vis­it­ing Der­by on busi­ness or for plea­sure. For instance, the town serves as a region­al admin­is­tra­tive and sup­ply cen­tre. How­ev­er, most vis­i­tors are more inter­est­ed in the Buc­ca­neer Arch­i­pel­ago, Hor­i­zon­tal Water­fall, boab trees, the Gibb Riv­er Road, Wind­jana Gorge Nation­al Park, Tun­nel Creek, Wharfinger’s House Muse­um… And the list goes on.

When you’re head­ing to the Kim­ber­ley, for busi­ness or plea­sure, make sure you book the Spinifex Hotel as your Der­by destination. 

Self Contained Twin

Room Configuration:
Max Guests: 3

Our Self-Con­tained Motel Suites Twin Share rooms are equipped much like a stu­dio apart­ment. Each room has one queen bed as well as on sin­gle bed all in the same room. All the rooms are one bed­room but are very large and can accom­mo­date up to 3 peo­ple. Each room has its own kitch­enette com­plete with a stove top hot plate, microwave, all cook­ing uten­sils and fridge. The rooms also come with their own pri­vate bal­cony, 42 inch TV show­ing all avail­able chan­nels as well as Fox Sports, tea and cof­fee mak­ing facil­i­ties, and pri­vate en suite with show­er as well as a com­bi­na­tion washer/​dryer. Free WiFi avail­able in all rooms and com­mon areas! If you require a room with two beds please let us know when you book the room. We do also have a lim­it­ed sup­ply of roll-away beds for a one­time fee of $25.00.

    Self-contained Motel Suite

    Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
    Max Guests: 2

    Our Self Con­tained Motel Suites are equipped much like a stu­dio apart­ment. Each room has one queen bed, but we have a lim­it­ed amount of rooms that have an extra king sin­gle bed in the same room. All the rooms are one bed­room but are very large and can accom­mo­date up to 3 peo­ple. Each room has its own kitch­enette com­plete with a stove top hot plate, microwave, all cook­ing uten­sils and fridge. The rooms also come with their own pri­vate bal­cony, 42in TV show­ing all avail­able chan­nels as well as Fox Sports, tea and cof­fee mak­ing facil­i­ties, and an en-suite with show­er as well as a com­bi­na­tion washer/​dryer. These rooms also have free inter­net with an Eth­er­net cable only. If you require a room with two beds please let us know when you book the room. We do also have a lim­it­ed sup­ply of roll-away beds for a one­time fee of $25.00. Break­fast is not includ­ed in this rate how­ev­er we do have a restau­rant that offers a full break­fast menu.

    • Fox Sports

    Standard Single Room

    Room Configuration: 1 Bedroom
    Max Guests: 1

    Our stan­dard sin­gle rooms come equipped with all the basic needs for an overnight stay, how­ev­er you are more than wel­come to stay as long as you like! The rooms have one king sin­gle bed, pri­vate en-suite with show­er, desk, TV show­ing all avail­able chan­nels as well as Fox Sports, tea and cof­fee mak­ing facil­i­ties, fridge, and indi­vid­ual air con­di­tion­ing units. There are no cook­ing facil­i­ties in these rooms, how­ev­er we do have a free guest laun­dry that has a microwave that guests are wel­come to use. NOTE: The Spinifex only has evening meals avail­able — no break­fast or lunch

    • Fox Sports

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