Sweets & Koh

Local Businesses Beverages Beverages

Hours: Open daily except Tuesdays.

A new start­up bring­ing vibran­cy and lots of new ideas to the region. Sweets & Koh offers a wide range of dessert drinks/​desserts and dim sum such as our Sig­na­ture Brown Sug­ar Bub­ble Milk/​Croffles with Brown Sug­ar Chewy Boba and also vari­eties of Siu Mais (Dumplings/​Baos). Pop in at Pas­pa­ley Plaza, 8 Short St, Broome.

View Face­book page


From Saturday 8th March

Sweets & Koh will be re-opening after a short break from Saturday 8th March 2025.debug

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