Tara and the Tigress

Broome Centuria Boulevard Broome WA 6725
Arts & Culture Local Businesses Markets

Tara and the Tigress offers breath­able, free-flow­ing cloth­ing made from 100% nat­ur­al cot­ton — per­fect for Broome’s trop­i­cal cli­mate. Whether you’re wan­der­ing through mar­kets, explor­ing the coast­line, or head­ing out to din­ner, our gar­ments are designed for com­fort, ease, and elegance.

Every piece is hand­craft­ed by the women we train and employ in our in-house work­shop in Udaipur, Rajasthan. We’re a slow fash­ion label focused on empow­er­ing women through mean­ing­ful work — cre­at­ing time­less, small-batch designs with heart.

Light to wear. Easy to love. Made to last.

Find us at the Boule­vard Shop­ping Cen­tre pop-up (next to Cot­ton On) or online at taraand​theti​gress​.com​.au.

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