Three Angels Broome

Shop 32 Paspaley Shopping Centre Broome WA
General Services Local Businesses Online Shopping

Hours: Monday-Friday 10.30am-5pm, Saturday 9am-1pm. Closed Sundays.

Wel­come to Broome’s Pre­mier Can­dle Boutique!

Three Angels Broome is a Moth­er and Daugh­ter can­dle scent con­cept, cre­at­ed and home made in our home in the North­west Kim­ber­ley of Broome West­ern Australia.

We orig­i­nat­ed unex­pect­ed­ly in May 2016 through a beau­ti­ful hand ges­ture by our late Hus­band and Father which embarks a remem­brance and calm­ing aro­ma when­ev­er our home is embraced by the pow­er of scent.

We, at Three Angels endorse this same time­less and per­son­alised reflec­tion in every can­dle we cre­ate and hope that you do too.

Our 100% nat­ur­al soy wax can­dles are indi­vid­u­al­ly hand poured in small batch­es to ensure a can­dle that is made excep­tion­al­ly per­fect. We have cre­at­ed three unique can­dle con­cepts which reflects our amaz­ing nat­ur­al sur­round­ings — Broome Pin­dan, Cable Beach Sand and Cable Beach Shell. 

Dur­ing the Dry Sea­son in Broome (April — Octo­ber) Three Angels have enjoyed being involved in local Pop Up stores among oth­er tal­ent­ed artists. 

In June 2019, we proud­ly opened our Bou­tique Can­dle Shop at Pas­pa­ley Plaza Shop­ping Cen­tre in Chi­na­town Broome — a one stop loca­tion our cus­tomers can pur­chase all of our hand made products. 

We look for­ward to meet­ing you all dur­ing your stay in our beau­ti­ful Town and be sure to fol­low Three Angels on Face­book and Insta­gram to see what new cre­ations, fra­grances and spe­cials we have to offer. 

Ainslie & Jade 

Locat­ed at Shop 32, Pas­pa­ley Plaza Shop­ping Cen­tre, Broome 

Mon­day-Fri­day 10.30am-5pm, Sat­ur­day 9am-1pm. Closed Sundays.

*After­pay avail­able in-store.

Shop online. Deliv­ery also available.

Moving Sale!

Shop now at Shop 32 Paspaley Plaza!

In our 6th year of Trade at Paspaley Plaza, Ainslie & I have decided to step away from our Shop front Boutique. We believe it’s the right time to enjoy our next ventures and more family time. Our visions and aspirations are to continue Broome’s Premier Candles & Decor through our online store, wholesaling, pop up markets and home base (where all the magic happens).

So it’s business as usual and you can expect the same level of quality of service…just a different location. Still enjoy free local deliveries and we’ll continue our popular refill service.

Find us (in the near future - we’ll keep you posted when) at the Broome Visitor Centre and Three Angels Broome Headquarters by appointment. After pouring our hearts into our Boutique, the decision to step away hasn’t been the easiest but knowing we are still delivering amazing service and beautiful products that Three Angels Broome is known for.

Thank you to each and everyone of you that has supported us over the years. As a thank you, we are having a MOVING SALE in store

See you soon! Remember…we are not closing Three Angels Broome, we are moving

Ainslie & Jade xxx

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