Three Angels Broome

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Hours: Visit our online store or by appointment.

Wel­come to Broome’s Pre­mier Can­dles and Décor

Three Angels Broome is a Moth­er and Daugh­ter can­dle scent con­cept, cre­at­ed and home made in our home in the North­west Kim­ber­ley of Broome West­ern Australia.

We orig­i­nat­ed unex­pect­ed­ly in May 2016 through a beau­ti­ful hand ges­ture by our late Hus­band and Father which embarks a remem­brance and calm­ing aro­ma when­ev­er our home is embraced by the pow­er of scent.

We, at Three Angels endorse this same time­less and per­son­alised reflec­tion in every can­dle we cre­ate and hope that you do too.

Our 100% nat­ur­al soy wax can­dles are indi­vid­u­al­ly hand poured in small batch­es to ensure a can­dle that is made excep­tion­al­ly per­fect. We have cre­at­ed three unique can­dle con­cepts which reflects our amaz­ing nat­ur­al sur­round­ings — Broome Pin­dan, Cable Beach Sand and Cable Beach Shell. 

Find us at the Broome Vis­i­tor Cen­tre, Pop Up Mar­kets, and Three Angels Broome Head­quar­ters by appointment. 


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