Unreel Adventure Safaris

22 Knowsley Street East Derby WA 6728
Tours and Activities Extended Cruises Local Businesses

Small Group Kim­ber­ley Fish­ing and Coastal Wilder­ness Adven­tures and Row­ley Shoals div­ing and fish­ing expeditions

Join us aboard MV King Tide for small group coastal wilder­ness adven­tures in the untouched Kim­ber­ley region. All cruis­es depart Broome then to/​from Der­by, the gate­way to the mag­nif­i­cent Buc­ca­neer Arch­i­pel­ago. Cruis­es can be tai­lored to suite your indi­vid­ual inter­ests and include such activ­i­ties as bush­walk­ing, explor­ing gorges, crab­bing, oys­ter col­lect­ing, swim­ming in mag­nif­i­cent water holes and dis­cov­er­ing ancient rock art sites.

Fish­ing is our spe­cial­i­ty. Our two fast and sta­ble 6m expe­di­tion ten­ders, Crusty and Wan­der­er are always at your dis­pos­al, with your own expert fish­ing guide to accom­pa­ny you. Fish as lit­tle or as much as you like.

The 16.5m King Tide boasts a large deck with a spa­cious cab­in and plen­ty of space to relax and soak up your mag­nif­i­cent sur­rounds. We accom­mo­date up to 10 guests in pri­vate quar­ters with shared bath­room facilities. 

Our onboard cook pre­pares an array of deli­cious meals, using fresh­ly sourced pro­duce and hope­ful­ly the catch of the day.

Book your cruise with the Broome Visitor Centre

If you would like to book or find out more, please email our team at [email protected] or call us on 08 9195 2200.

Tour NameDeparture dateReturnsAvailability
9 Day Kimberley Fishing & Exploring08-Apr-2516-Apr-258 berths
5 Day Taste of the Buccaneer Fishing & Exploring16-Apr-2520-Apr-258 berths
9 Day Kimberley Fishing & Exploring25-Apr-2504-May-258 berths
9 Day Kimberley Fishing & Exploring08-May-2516-May-258 berths
5 Day Taste of the Buccaneer Fishing & Exploring16-May-2520-May-258 berths
9 Day Kimberley Fishing & Exploring25-May-2502-Jun-258 berths
9 Day Kimberley Fishing & Exploring05-Jun-2513-Jun-258 berths
5 Day Taste of the Buccaneer Fishing & Exploring13-Jun-2517-Jun-258 berths
9 Day Kimberley Fishing & Exploring22-Jun-2530-Jun-258 berths
9 Day Kimberley Fishing & Exploring05-Jul-2513-Jul-258 berths
5 Day Taste of the Buccaneer Fishing & Exploring13-Jul-2517-Jul-258 berths
9 Day Kimberley Fishing & Exploring22-Jul-2530-Jul-258 berths
9 Day Kimberley Fishing & Exploring04-Aug-2512-Aug-258 berths
5 Day Taste of the Buccaneer Fishing & Exploring12-Aug-2516-Aug-258 berths
9 Day Kimberley Fishing & Exploring20-Aug-2528-Aug-258 berths
9 Day Rowley Shoals Fishing, Snorkelling & Diving03-Sep-2511-Sep-258 berths
9 Day Rowley Shoals Fishing, Snorkelling & Diving17-Sep-2525-Sep-258 berths
9 Day Rowley Shoals Fishing, Snorkelling & Diving02-Oct-2510-Oct-258 berths
9 Day Rowley Shoals Fishing, Snorkelling & Diving15-Oct-2523-Oct-258 berths

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