WA Fishing Charters

Tours and Activities Water Based Tours

Whether you’re a novice, an expe­ri­enced angler or just want to tick your buck­et list, we have a day char­ter to suit your needs. Book your char­ter today for the expe­ri­ence of a lifetime!

Jump on board with WA Fish­ing Char­ters and expe­ri­ence an action-packed inti­mate fish­ing expe­ri­ence on Broome’s beau­ti­ful turquoise waters. Enjoy a half-day Creek & Mud Crab Fish­ing Char­ter. Own­er oper­a­tor Adam Cave has a been a guide in the Kim­ber­ley for 15 years now. He has exten­sive knowl­edge of the Kim­ber­ley’s turquoise waters, creek and riv­er sys­tems and also flo­ra, fau­na and the Kim­ber­ley’s geo­log­i­cal coast lines.

Low season availability update

Enquire now to secure your trip!

Half day creek fishing charters are available on request - min 2 guests to confirm departure. $350 per person.

Call the Broome Visitor Centre on 08 9195 2200 to confirm pricing and we can check availability for you.

Trip Planner