Wavehouse Beach Retreat

Williams Road Waterbank WA 6725

Relax at this unique and tran­quil get­away in the very pop­u­lar loca­tion of Coconut Well, famous for its tidal lagoon, fish­ing, and pris­tine beach­es with rock pools to explore on the low tides. The Wave­house site is ele­vat­ed with mag­nif­i­cent views of the lagoon and Indi­an Ocean. Walk across the lawn down to the lagoon with beach access only a short stroll away.

Stu­dio style accom­mo­da­tion with 3 bed­rooms is offered with open style rooms screened off with cur­tains to both enjoy the cool­ing west­er­ly breezes and exclu­sive kms of ocean and lagoon views. The house is built of steel and glass to enjoy the views from all angles. Ide­al for fam­i­lies, or cou­ples requir­ing total soli­tude and privacy.

Wave­house Beach Retreat com­pris­es of 10 acres of native veg­e­ta­tion with an inter­est­ing and var­ied land­scape com­pris­ing of, hills, dry creek bed, stun­ning rock for­ma­tions, and native trees includ­ing the mag­nif­i­cent Cable Beach Gums. Walk­ing trails that mean­der around the prop­er­ty enable vis­i­tors to enjoy the many types of flo­ra and fau­na, includ­ing rock wal­la­bies, pos­sums, many dif­fer­ent lizards, frogs and an abun­dance of bird life to enjoy includ­ing shore­birds and our reg­u­lar Brolgas.

The prop­er­ty is self-suf­fi­cient using solar pow­er for ener­gy and pris­tine bore/​rainwater for water sup­ply. The house has been built and designed to max­imise sus­tain­able liv­ing to allow the cool­ing west­er­ly breezes through­out the entire house and of course the mag­nif­i­cent views. Watch the whales from the house, frol­ick­ing in the ocean from late June to ear­ly September.

Min­i­mum stay is 2 nights with a basic con­ti­nen­tal break­fast includ­ed. The prop­er­ty has Star­link Wi Fi and is sit­u­at­ed 20kms from Broome where there are shops, cafes,award win­ning restau­rants and many spe­cial­i­ty out­lets to browse through. Full details are includ­ed in the guest com­pendi­um on arrival.

For Book­ings, please ring Gillian 0403 214 937.

STRA Reg­is­tra­tion Num­ber 60008MSWBMZ0

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