Wharf Restaurant - Broome

Local Businesses

Open 7 Days 12 noon — late.

The Wharf offers an exten­sive local WA seafood selec­tion. The Wharf Restau­rant est. in the Kim­ber­ley in 1995 has brought the finest local seafood to Broome din­ers for over 27 years. Recent­ly relo­cat­ed from the Port to the beau­ti­ful Cable Beach area. Serv­ing seafood the way it should be — fresh, local, simple. 

Don’t for­get Half Price Oys­ters, 2pm — 5pm Daily!

Ful­ly licensed — Ice cold beer & sophis­ti­cat­ed wine list.

Oys­ters, Blue Swim­mer Crab Spring Rolls, Gar­lic Prawns!

The Wharf is Open with all your favourite seafood! 

Lunch or Din­ner, Dine — In or Takeaway

Reser­va­tions or Take­away orders phone 08 9192 5700, from 11am

(Half price oys­ters min­i­mum order 6 per vari­etal, Dine-in only)

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