Willare Bridge Roadhouse

Lot 64 Great Northern Highway Willare WA 6728
Local Businesses

Hours: 6am - 8pm 7 days a week

Willare Bridge Road­house is locat­ed 100 metres east of Willare Bridge on the Fitzroy Riv­er, in the heart of free range beef country. 

We offer a ful­ly licensed restau­rant & bar (for break­fast. lunch and din­ner), a beer gar­den, out­door pool, gym­na­si­um and two BBQ areas. Accom­mo­da­tion options include don­ga style rooms (fam­i­ly, dou­ble and sin­gle), pow­ered and unpow­ered car­a­van sites and pet friend­ly campsites. 

We have free laun­dry, show­ers, camper and trail­er stor­age and a car­a­van dump point. 

For enquiries please call (08) 9191 4775 or vis­it the web­site at https://​www​.willareroad​house​.com

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Cafe is now open

9am - 12pm daily

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