Zookeepers Broome

1/2 Challenor Drive Broome WA 6725
Beverages Attractions Family Fun General Services

Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 am – 1:30 pm, Saturday and Sunday 7:30 am – 2pm

Hand­made Sour­dough Pas­tries — Crois­sants — Poke Bowls — We are thrilled to announce that we have been vot­ed Best Cof­fee in Broome” by the Love Broome Poll.

Zookeep­ers Broome is a vibrant café offer­ing hand­craft­ed & fresh­ly rolled sour­dough pas­tries and deli­cious, fresh and nour­ish­ing counter ser­vice lunch­es and prod­ucts, such as Sashi­mi Poke Bowls, Roti Wraps. Focac­cia Sand­wich­es and build your own Focac­cia Break­fast (all day long). We serve spe­cial­ty roast Microl­o­gy cof­fee and have a ful­ly licensed bar (from 10am). 

Open­ing hours 7 Days a week from 7.30am until 12.30pm (Mon-Thurs­day) and until 1pm Fri, Sat and Sunday.

We are cur­rent­ly open for din­ner two nights a week : Fri­day and Sat­ur­day 5.30pm-8pm.

Beat the queue and order online: www​.zookeep​ers​b​roome​.com​.au

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