The Broome-Cape Leveque road is now sealed!

You can now drive from Broome up to Cygnet Bay in a 2WD!!!

High clearance, 4x4 vehicles are still needed if you plan to access side roads into some locations as these remain unsealed.

Whether you hire a 4x4, put your own to the test or go on a guided tour, a trip up the Dampier Peninsula or places such as James Price Point, you are sure to have an unforgettable experience.

The turnoff to Broome-Cape Leveque road is located approximately 9.5 kilometres from the Broome Visitor Centre. Heading out of town on the Broome Road, you will then turn left onto the Broome-Cape Leveque Road.

If you are unsure about permits, access passes and visiting the Dampier Peninsula, please pop into the Broome Visitor Centre (near Male Oval, 1 Hamersley St, Broome) before you go.

There are so many places to explore on the Dampier Peninsula ...


Take in nature’s beauty and relax on white, sandy beaches...

Lombadina community
is near Thomas Bay. Lombadina is a small community on the Dampier Peninsula in the Kimberley region. Relax on white sandy beaches, characterised by pristine turquoise waters, take in nature’s beauty and experience the colours of the Kimberley, the thrilling fishing and breath-taking whale watching. Catch a fresh feast of mud crab or take a kayak tour. Tours are timed to take full advantage of the tides ensuring your experience is more exhilarating than exhausting!

As of May 2023, Lombadina community is now open 7 days per week! Tour bookings require minimum four days notice. It is necessary to obtain a day pass for those people wishing to have a leisurely stroll around the community and visit the beach. These can be obtained by visiting the office on arrival.

WEEKENDS & PUBLIC HOLIDAYS - CLOSED - October to May. (Off Season)

Visit the Lombadina art and craft centre, chat with the local staff and browse through a variety of traditional and contemporary art and craft on display. Traditionally carved pearl shell, trochus bangles and pearl and ebony pendants, along with silk screens, carved bowls, boomerangs and shields are for sale. Local artists create original pieces from local materials that are available for purchase. Opening hours may change at short notice, due to local community requirements.

Lombadina Community
Lombadina Community

Southern Cross Cultural Tours at Lullumb

Embark on an inspi­ra­tional jour­ney with Bolo along the stun­ning coast of the Dampi­er Penin­su­la.

Find out more about Southern Cross Cultural Tours at Lullumb
Join Bar­di / Jawi man Bolo Angus and his fam­i­ly on an inspi­ra­tional jour­ney through his tra­di­tion­al coun­try on the Dampi­er Penin­su­la at Lul­lumb. Learn about Bar­di Jawi cul­ture and expe­ri­ence hunt­ing and gath­er­ing tech­niques passed down through the gen­er­a­tions. Bookings now available online!

Cultural Tour with Bolo, Southern Cross Cultural Tours at Lullumb
Cultural Tour with Bolo

Walk through man­groves, paper­bark forests, salt plains, creeks and drink from a sacred fresh­wa­ter spring. This relaxed journey unfolds through cultural stories, songs, hands on experiences and survival skills including hunting methods. The tour culminates with a cook up of all the bush tucker that has been collected and caught during the tour and a traditional Kimberley damper.

Southern Cross Cultural Tours at Lullumb

NEW: Bunda Bunda NJ Tours

A cul­tur­al 4x4 guided tag-along experience

Join Jabirr Jabirr, Ngum­barl man Jay­den Howard from Bunda Bunda NJ Tours on a cul­tur­al taga­long tour through the spec­tac­u­lar coastal coun­try of the Dampi­er Penin­su­la. Trav­el along dirt tracks and explore remote, white, sandy beach­es, fresh water springs and amaz­ing man­grove ecosys­tems and secret fish­ing locations. Explore the man­groves on foot in search of mud­shells, bomb­shells and mud­crabs and hope­ful­ly some fish species. Learn about the six sea­sons and how to iden­ti­fy impor­tant bush­foods and med­i­cine plants. Share tra­di­tion­al sur­vival skills and hear about local his­to­ry and Jabirr Jabirr Dream­ing sto­ries con­nect­ed to the area.

Bunda Bunda NJ Tours offers adventurers the opportunity to undertake a 4x4 guided tag-along experience, to investigate and engage with a stretch of the coastline through the eyes of Traditional Owners whose ancestors have walked this land for centuries. Book online

Bunda Bunda NJ Tours
Bunda Bunda NJ Tours

Djarindjin Campground

Camp with Cus­to­di­ans

Djarindjin Campground

With 37 pow­ered sites cater­ing to large RV’s and car­a­vans and an addi­tion­al 10 unpow­ered sites, the camp­ground is ser­viced by a range of ameni­ties includ­ing male and female ablu­tions, hot show­ers, laun­dry, a camp kitchen and shel­tered BBQ area. There is also the Camp­ing with Cus­to­di­ans sig­na­ture cen­tral firepit, a place to meet and share sto­ries under the Kim­ber­ley sky. With modern amenities, powered caravan/campsites and highly accessible location on the newly sealed Cape Leveque Road, this a welcoming stopover on your Kimberley journey, or a great base from which to explore the best of the Dampier Peninsula.

NEW: Ardi'ol Art and Culture

Discover the Bardi culture with our tour guides as they show you their Country and Culture through art, storytelling and adventure.

Book online for the Ardi-ol History & Culture Tour and Mardaj (Reef) Tour.

Journey back in time with Ardi’ol, where our ancestors walked the land, learning how traditional knowledge has been handed down over 7 generations and still practiced today on the 1 hour History and Culture Tour. This is perfect for groups! You will hear stories, history and the unique sounds of the irrigil through song.

Mardaj (Reef) Tour will allow you to explore Bardi way of life, learn how to make a traditional fishing spear whilst listening to stories and exploring the exposed reef system and ancient fish trap. Learn how to make your own traditional fishing spear under the baali (beach shelter) and if you’re lucky you might even get to see some dinosaur footprints. For this 3 hour experience, you will meet at the Art Gallery, Ardyaloon where you will then follow your guide to tour location (5 minute drive, 4WD required).

Ardi-ol History & Culture Tour

Nature's Hideaway Middle Lagoon

Beau­ti­ful beach­es, native bush and beach access

Middle Lagoon - Dampier Pensinsula
Middle Lagoon - Dampier Pensinsula

Nature's Hideaway Middle Lagoon is a low impact coastal camp offer­ing stun­ning views over two beau­ti­ful Bays. Sur­round­ed by beau­ti­ful beach­es and native bush. It is locat­ed on the Dampi­er Penin­su­la, just two and a half hours dri­ve north of Broome. Sur­round­ed by beau­ti­ful beach­es and native bush, Mid­dle Lagoon is a pris­tine par­adise with easy beach access, where you can ful­ly enjoy the peace and tranquillity of the stun­ning scenery.

The main access road to the Dampier Peninsula from Broome is now fully sealed. However, the 33km road into Middle Lagoon is still restricted to 4WD access only. This road can be very sandy and corrugated in places and care is needed to navigate this, especially if you are towing. It is recommended to reduce your tyre pressures once you leave the bitumen. Book your stay at Middle Lagoon online

Middle Lagoon - Dampier Pensinsula

Oolin Sunday Island Cultural Tours

Follow the journey of the Tide Drifters with Rosanna Angus

Join Oolin Sunday Island Cultural Tours on a journey that began thousands of years ago through what is today known as the Middle Passage. You will pass through the whirlpools and eddies between Jooloom and Jayirri and allow you to experience the power of some of the world’s biggest tidal waters and learn how these massive tidal currents were used by the Jawi people to hunt, fish and trade. Rosanna Angus is a Jawi woman whose family lived on Sunday Island, she shares stories of life on the island before the mission closed in 1962. Discover who started the Mission and why Sunday Island | Ewuny was chosen as the site. Learn about life at the Mission and why the culture is still strong.

Hear the story of the Journey of the Tide Drifters as you retrace the ocean journey from Bardi Country on the mainland through the network of islands and tidal passages that make up Jawi Country.

Rosanna recently won the prestigious FACET Golden Guide Award at the 2023 Perth Airport WA Tourism Awards. She also won the Individual Excellence in Aboriginal Tourism Award in 2022. Rosanna was recognised for her innovative leadership skills, particularly her focus on supporting and inspiring Aboriginal women.

Book online to experience the magic of this special 4.5 hour tour experience departing from Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm.

Oolin Sunday Island Cultural Tours

Beagle Bay and the Sacred Heart Church

Home to one of the most beautiful churches in Australia

Beagle Bay and the Sacred Heart Church

Beagle Bay is one of three Aboriginal communities on the Dampier Peninsula north of Broome and an interesting part of Western Australian history. A short 150 kilometre drive along the newly sealed road will deliver sights of the beautiful Beagle Bay Sacred Heart Church with its famous mother of pearl shell altar. This is one of the most beautiful churches in Australia.

Sacred Heart Church is open to visitors, please check with the visitor centre for any closure advice before you travel. We remind visitors to be respectful around church service days and times, and respect any community closure advice.

Mass services are held in the Church on Sunday mornings from 9am to 10am and visitors are expected to be respectful during these hours and refrain from photography until service has concluded.
Donations can be made at the front entrance.

Beagle Bay and the Sacred Heart Church
Beagle Bay and the Sacred Heart Church
Sacred Heart Church, Beagle Bay Photo: Tourism Western Australia

Beagle Bay (Ngarlan) Community Store
Hours are usually 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday, 8am to 11am Saturday.
Note: These opening hours may change.

Note: Beagle Bay Community Entry Fee

Beagle Bay Community is introducing a Community Entry Fee. From 15th April 2024 visitors to the community will be required to pay $15 each, children under 10 can enter Beagle Bay for free. Beagle Bay visitor wrist bands can be purchased from the community office, Beagle Bay Store or the Broome Visitor Centre. Please note that this Community Entry Fee does NOT include entry to the Sacred Heart Church.

Willie Creek Pearl Farm

Take a boat ride on the azure waters to see the pearling operations

Located just 38kms north of Broome, join Willie Creek Pearls and discover the journey of the Australian South Sea Pearl from shell to showroom amidst the magnificent Kimberley landscape.

Willie Creek Pearls edu­cate and inspire thou­sands of vis­i­tors each year to uncov­er the his­to­ry, mys­tery and sto­ry of the pearling indus­try there.

Book your self-drive tours at Willie Creek Pearl Farm or book a coach tour to the pearl farm. If you want to find out more or pick up brochures, please pop into the Broome Visitor Centre.

Turn right off the Broome-Cape Leveque Road, at Manari Road, to visit Willie Creek Pearl Farm.

Willie Creek Pearl Farm
Willie Creek Pearl Farm Photo: Tourism Western Australia

>Willie Creek Pearl Farm

Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm

See the Waterfall Reef or watch fascinating Riji pearl shell carving!

Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm is located 200km north of Broome on the tip of the Dampier Peninsula. Cygnet Bay is known as Borrgoron.

Join a Pearl Farm Tour for a true insight into this fas­ci­nat­ing gem, and see a pearl har­vest­ed from the oys­ter! To explore the Kim­ber­ley Coast, our Giant Tides sea safaris and cruis­es offer exhil­a­rat­ing trips through the pris­tine waters and the world’s largest trop­i­cal tides.

Browse the accommodation and camping options at Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm and book to stay a bit longer!

Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm Sea Safari

Book tours at Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm online or give the Broome Visitor Centre a call to find out more on 08 9195 2200.

Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm, Dampier Peninsula
Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm, Dampier Peninsula. Photo: Tourism Western Australia

Ardyaloon Trochus Hatchery & Aquaculture Centre

Take a guid­ed cul­tur­al hatch­ery tour

One Arm Point (Ardyaloon) has the Ardyaloon Trochus Hatchery & Aquaculture Centre. Learn about the Bar­di Jaw­is strong con­nec­tion to their rich cul­ture and salt­wa­ter tra­di­tions in one of the guid­ed cul­tur­al hatch­ery tours. You can also pur­chase local­ly craft­ed prod­ucts such as pol­ished shells and jewellery. Ardyaloon Hatchery is located in the Ardyaloon Community, at the tip of the Dampier Peninsula and approximately 220km from Broome on the Broome - Cape Leveque road.

Please note the upgrades to the Hatchery Road, which provides access to the Trochus Hatchery at One Arm Point in the Ardyaloon Community, are now complete. The 1.8km section of road is now sealed providing all weather access to the hatchery.

Hatchery Opening Hours

Hatchery tours have now concluded for the 2024 season.

Entry costs* are:
Adults $22
Children 6 to 16 $10
Under 6 Free

Eftpos facilities are available at the Ardyaloon office and Hatchery and are the preferred method of payment.

*Pricing and availability may change

The hatchery will be closed on neap tide dates.
You can still visit the Ardyaloon Community on these neap tide dates, with half price community day pass entry.

No vis­i­tor accom­mo­da­tion is avail­able at Ardyaloon. Explore nearby stays

  • Entry passes are available at Ardiol Arts & Culture Centre, or if closed, direct from hatchery.
  • Entry passes are also available from Community office during normal business hours.
  • Entry fees contribute to the operating costs of the Hatchery and Community.
  • Eftpos facilities are available at the Ardyaloon office and Hatchery and are the preferred method of payment.

Group bookings can be made by phoning 08 9192 4930 during office hours.

Ardyaloon Trochus Hatchery & Aquaculture Centre

Mercedes Cove

Enjoy unin­ter­rupt­ed views of the ocean...

Expe­ri­ence Mer­cedes Cove with just your part­ner, or fam­i­ly and friends. With only min­i­mal guests at one time you can be assured of that stress free escape. Activ­i­ties include swim­ming, snorkelling, bird watch­ing, land based whale watch­ing between July and Sep­tem­ber, bush walk­ing and fish­ing. Located approx. 180 kilometres north of Broome. 4wd is required to access the property, there is 33kms of sandy/dirt road once you have turned off the Broome-Cape Leveque Rd. No day visits. Booked guests only are allowed on property with no camping or caravan sites available here. Sorry, no pets.

Mer­cedes Cove

Terry Hunter - Borrgoron Cultural Tours

Discover Cygnet Bay with Terry Hunter, a 4th generation pearler and proud Bardi man.

Join Terry Hunter, take in the beautiful views of Cygnet Bay and book a Borrgoron Coast to Creek tour (2 hours) or the Borrgoron Culture & History Tour (1 hour).
These tours are based from the Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm and can be booked online.

Borrgoron Coast to Creek, Photo Tourism Western Australia

Pender Bay

A secluded bush campsite...

North of Beagle Bay, turn onto the Middle Lagoon Road to venture to Pender Bay. Home to Pender Bay Escape, a beautiful and secluded bush campsite overlooking Pender Bay.

Pender Bay

Banana Well Getaway

Relax, Explore, Escape

Ide­al­ly sit­u­at­ed mid­way on the Dampi­er Penin­su­la, Banana Well Get­away offers a great camp­ing spot with many excit­ing bush activ­i­ties and with so many oth­er des­ti­na­tions with­in a short reach makes us a per­fect place to set up and explore. The icon­ic and unmiss­able Sacred Heart Church in Bea­gle Bay is just a min­utes away, found­ing mem­bers of Banana Well Get­away (Bur­rguk Abo­rig­i­nal Cor­po­ra­tion) his­tor­i­cal­ly con­nect­ed with the Church con­struc­tion and Pearl Shell decorations. Banana Well Getaway is a beautiful, nature based campground, located on the amazing and wonderfully diverse Beagle Bay Creek, where you can enjoy fishing, crabbing and bush walking. We are a family and dog friendly park with a small dip pool, filled with the freshest mineral water from our Artesian Spring.

Banana Well Get­away
Banana Well Get­away

Plan Ahead

You must call ahead or have a booking before visiting.

For more information on the Dampier Peninsula and your Ardi experience get in touch with the Broome Visitor Centre on 08 9195 2200 or explore the tour and accommodation options below.

There is NO FREE CAMPING anywhere on the Dampier Peninsula.

All communities and outstations are on private leases. You must call ahead or have a booking before visiting.

The Dampier Peninsula is a unique area of outstanding beauty, rich in history and culture and wilderness.

ARDI Traveller's Guide

A helpful guide to the Dampier Peninsula region...

WAITOC - Western Australian Indigenous Tourism Operators Council
WAITOC - Western Australian Indigenous Tourism Operators Council

Did you know?

Over 30 per cent of all Australia’s islands are in the West Kimberley Coast. A dense chain runs from the tip of the Dampier Peninsula, starting with the Buccaneer Archipelago which is locally known as the Thousand Island Archipelago. The area has huge tidal ranges up to 12 metres. The Horizontal Falls (Aboriginal name Garaanngaddim) is probably the most iconic location in Talbot Bay, located in the region.

The newly created Lalang-garram/Horizontal Falls Marine Park is located north of Broome and Derby and south of the Lalang-garram/Camden Sound Marine Park. The park covers approximately 350,000 hectares from Talbot Bay in the west to Walcott Inlet and Glenelg River in the east. (Source: DPIRD)

To see the beauty of the Dampier Peninsula from the sky, we recommend a scenic flight departing Broome. We have lots to choose from. Some scenic flights from Broome have minimum quest requirements, so if you see something "on request" this means you can request to join the tour and we will call you to collect passenger weights and other details, and then confirm the departure with the operator. Give us a call for expert advice about scenic flights in Broome and the Dampier Peninsula on 08 9195 2200.

ARDI, Broome and Beyond!

Want to know more?

Visit the Ardi, Broome and Beyond website for travel distances, fuel information and much more!

Ardi Beyond Broome Map

Looking to self drive from Broome to the Dampier Peninsula?

We can help with pricing for local car hire

Broome and Dampier Peninsula Car Hire options

Call 08 9195 2200

Our members

Ardi'ol Art and Culture

Ardi'ol Art and Culture

Dampier Peninsula

Ardi’ol is 100% owned, managed and operated by Bardi people and offers cultural experiences sharing traditional stories, song, dance, authentic art and more. Visit our Art Gallery to purchase authentic local art as a small takeaway to remember your…

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GUMBANAN Wilderness Retreat - ACCOM

GUMBANAN Wilderness Retreat - ACCOM

Dampier Peninsula

Gumbanan is located just before One Arm Point community. Experience the best kept secret of the Dampier Peninsula...Escape to the best kept secret of the Dampier Peninsula, a location of unparalleled beauty and home of The Davey Family, where their…

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Australian Pinnacle Tours

Australian Pinnacle Tours

Dampier Peninsula, Perth, Broome, Dampier Peninsula, Dampier Peninsula

Australian Pinnacle Tours is proudly regarded as Western Australia's leading tour operator. With almost 30 years operating tours throughout Western Australia, we simply know the best things to see and the best way to do it. You'll be pleased to know…

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Mercedes Cove Exclusive Coastal Retreat

Mercedes Cove Exclusive Coastal Retreat

Dampier Peninsula

Mercedes Cove Exclusive Coastal Retreat trading as Whales Rest. We are located in National Heritage listed Dampier Peninsula near Pender Bay approximately 170kms from Broome. Enjoy uninterrupted views of the ocean with you own private sandy beach…

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Kimberley Day Cruise

Kimberley Day Cruise

Broome, Buccaneer Archipelago

Join Kimberley Day Cruise for a full-day tour departing Broome and Cygnet Bay to the remarkable natural wonder of the Kimberley, the Horizontal Falls.*Guests departing from Broome will be picked up at 5:00am, don’t worry you’ll be able to get some…

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Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm Tours

Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm Tours

Broome, Dampier Peninsula

Looking for an unique Kimberley experience? We invite you to visit the oldest Australian and family owned pearl farm, operating since 1946 and still leading the industry with some of the largest and most beautiful pearls in the world. Stay with us…

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Beagle Bay Futures Indigenous Corporation

Dampier Peninsula

NEW BEAGLE BAY COMMUNITY ENTRY FEEFrom 15th April 2024 visitors to the community will be required to pay $15 each, children under 10 can enter Beagle Bay for free.The community corporation, Beagle Bay Futures Indigenous Corporation (BBFIC), has…

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Willie Creek Pearls

Willie Creek Pearls


Willie Creek Pearls is a Western Australian family business celebrating over 30 years of service excellence. They sustainably produce the best pearls in the world: Australian South Sea Pearls, and offer complete pearl experiences from shell to…

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Natures Hideaway Middle Lagoon

Natures Hideaway Middle Lagoon

Dampier Peninsula

Natures Hideaway at Middle Lagoon is a low impact coastal camp offering stunning views over two beautiful beaches. It is located on the Dampier Peninsula, just two and a half hours drive north of Broome (4WD access only). Surrounded by beautiful…

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Bunda Bunda NJ Tours

Bunda Bunda NJ Tours


The Dampier Peninsula is the traditional lands of seven Aboriginal language groups. The area around Carnot Bay is Jabirr Jabirr, Ngarmul Country. Learn about the traditional lives of the saltwater people, the seasons that we lived by and how this…

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Broome Time Tours

Broome Time Tours

Broome, Dampier Peninsula, Cable Beach

Hire Broome's #1 Personal Guide / Driver.Broome Time Tours offers customised 4WD tour experiences around Broome and the Dampier Peninsula in air conditioned comfort.Visit the places you would like to go and with who you wish to share the experience…

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Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm & Accommodation

Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm & Accommodation

Dampier Peninsula

Eight en suite safari style tents are nestled in remnant rainforest or set with views across the mangroves to the bay. Three self-contained rustic Pearlers Shacks, and a small number of basic mini-safari tents and private caravan- & camp-sites…

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Ardyaloon Trochus Hatchery & Aquaculture Centre

Ardyaloon Trochus Hatchery & Aquaculture Centre

Dampier Peninsula

The Ardyaloon Hatchery was established to address the declining stocks of the Trochus niloticus shell and seek to create a commercially sustainable industry harvesting the shell.The hatchery has been successful in restocking juvenile trochus to…

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Banana Well Getaway

Banana Well Getaway

Dampier Peninsula

Escape to the natural beauty of Banana Well Getaway, an Indigenous-owned, off-grid, eco-friendly bush campground offering spacious caravan and camping sites on shady grassed grounds, ideal for connecting to nature.Immerse yourself in fishing,…

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Horizontal Falls Seaplane Adventures

Horizontal Falls Seaplane Adventures

Broome, Derby, Buccaneer Archipelago

As the region’s longest-running Horizontal Falls Tour operators, we know there’s no better way to experience the Kimberley than at close quarters. That’s why we pioneered seaplane tours over this magnificent wilderness.We have our own fleet of…

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Lombadina Aboriginal Corporation

Lombadina Aboriginal Corporation

Dampier Peninsula

Lombadina is an Aboriginal owned and operated community that offers accommodation (no camping) and tours which allows visitors to share lifestyle and country. Lombadina tours include kayaking, mud crabbing, fishing, scenic tours and 4WD tours. All…

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Stu's 4WD Adventure Tours

Stu's 4WD Adventure Tours

Broome, Cable Beach, Dampier Peninsula

From visiting secluded, pristine beaches to gorges and secret fishing spots, your personalised itinerary is yours and yours alone. Get in touch with Stu's 4WD Adventure Tours. Stu is a celebrated adventurer and chef and has been operating in the…

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Southern Cross Cultural Tours at Lullumb

Southern Cross Cultural Tours at Lullumb

Dampier Peninsula

The Southern Cross Cultural Walk is approximately 4 hours in duration with a minimum level of fitness required. Bolo will welcome you to Bardi / Jawi country and guide you through a fascinating cultural journey at Lullumb, the spectacular and…

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Oolin Sunday Island Cultural Tours

Oolin Sunday Island Cultural Tours


Rosanna Angus is a Jawi woman whose family lived on Sunday Island, during the early mission days. Learn about Bardi Jawi culture and the Dreaming stories connected to Sunday Island and the turbulent waters that seperate it from the mainland. Explore…

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Instyle Adventures

Instyle Adventures

Broome, Dampier Peninsula, Kimberley

If you are a discerning traveller and want to enjoy the best this remote and spectacular part of Australia has to offer whilst travelling in comfort and style, then InStyle Adventures is perfect for you. We look forward to seeing you soon, just pack…

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Kimberley Wild Expeditions Tours

Kimberley Wild Expeditions Tours

Broome, Dampier Peninsula, Kimberley

Kimberley Wild Expeditions operate the best 4WD tours out of Perth, Broome and Darwin. Exploring the West Coast and the Kimberley with small groups in comfortable 4WD vehicles, our travellers enjoy our local expertise and passion for this beautiful…

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Air Kimberley

Air Kimberley

Broome, Dampier Peninsula

Fly the Kimberley with Air Kimberley experiencing the unique advantage of scenic air adventures to see Australia's, and the world's last great wilderness frontiers, the Kimberley, wild and remote in the North-west of Western Australia.Air Kimberley…

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Djarindjin Campground

Djarindjin Campground

Dampier Peninsula

With 37 powered sites catering to large RV’s and caravans and an additional 10 unpowered sites, the campground is serviced by a range of amenities including male and female ablutions, hot showers, laundry, a camp kitchen and sheltered BBQ area.…

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Fly Broome

Fly Broome


FLY BROOME is a scenic and charter flight company based in the historical town of Broome, Western Australia. FLY BROOME showcases the iconic attractions of the West Kimberley coast, highlighting the world famous Horizontal Falls, stunning 1000…

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KAS Helicopters

KAS Helicopters

Broome, Derby

No matter your helicopter requirements in the Kimberley, get off to a flying start with the specialist Kimberley team at KAS Helicopters.Our safe, highly skilled pilots will fly you in comfort to famous landmarks and incredible destinations…

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